11 Dec 2009

Aram Store = Heaven

Photo credits: Metrotwin, renaissancechambara on Flickr

Aram Store holds one of the largest ranges of modern furniture and design in London and was founded by Zeev Aram over 40 years ago. It's located in a massive five-storey fruit and vegetable warehouse and the array of design is breathtaking. To give you an idea: the chair section doesn't just have half a dozen chairs on display, but more like 20. In every colour. You can easily spend a few hours exploring everything. The great thing about it being a showroom and not a museum of design is that you're free to get up close to each piece and see how it works, how it feels to the touch, or how comfortable it is.

My favourite items available in the store are these rugs designed by Eileen Gray in the 1920s and 1930s that Aram Store has reintroduced to the market. I always find it astonishing how forward-thinking her designs are for the era she worked in.

Here's a fascinating interview filmed by Dezeen with the store founder, Zeev Aram, talking about the transformation of the design scene in London in the 1960s and why the endless supply of creative talent makes London so unique. It lasts about 8 minutes and is well worth listening to!

And finally, I'm very excited about MONDAY as I'll be posting the first edition in a mini-series about Charles & Ray Eames, so make sure you come back then! I won't be focusing on their designs as such, but on some other aspects that I find so appealing. I promise it'll be fun!


  1. Curious for your Eames posts!

    Have a lovely weekend~

  2. Wow I love those Eileen Gray rugs too! I didn't know she designed rugs.

  3. It's true that touching and sitting in chairs is WAY more fun than simply looking at them!
    Very pretty rugs, too.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog by the way!

  4. How gorgeous! I will definitely be back for your Eames posts!


  5. can't wait to visit, I can't believe I've never been! great eames post by the way, love the pictures, such a well matched couple
