23 Dec 2009

Etsy favourite: Essimar

These gorgeous cards are made by Essimar - the colourful and minimal designs are so fresh! And aren't these handbound notebooks made from recycled envelopes adorable? There are dozens of stunning silkscreen prints available from her etsy shop.

[All images: Essimar]


  1. I keep telling my husband you are my British blog twin. Everything you post is something I would have posted if I would have thought of it first:)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. This is deliciously perfect! Love the inspiring ideas here for making my own gift tags (the project at the moment). So, thank you! :)

  3. these are amazing! i love the yellow and grey together. i'll have to check out the shop :)

  4. Her stuff is adorable! Love the use of recycled envelopes- it's always nice to find a new way to use old paper.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! Nice to see another Rebecca. :)

  5. Oh! They are just stunning! I am such a stationery addict. I'm on my way to her etsy shop now.


  6. her designs are awesome. talk about genius!
