19 Dec 2009

Snow Day!

Everywhere looks so beautiful when it's covered in a blanket of snow. Yesterday I went for a walk in the park in very inappropriate footwear but it was fun! The snow this year seems too powdery for building a decent snowman. Has anyone else had this problem? My favourite photo is the first one: the tree trunk looks like a white line in the sky! It doesn't snow that often in London so maybe this is normal, but my neither my husband nor I have ever seen snow settling like this before. Even the lamp posts and road signs were covered in the same way - so funny!!


  1. oh wow Rebecca these are beautiful! didn't see much snow in central London so I'm loving your pictures!!

  2. it's supposed to arrive here tonight. yikes!

    before I read I was thinking, her feet are going to be very wet in those mary janes:)

  3. how cool! such pretty photos with the sun setting.

  4. Wow, these are great pictures. I love the second one.

  5. sadly, i've never touched snow. am i strange yearn to frolic in mounds of it? hmmm... it looks like a lot of fun and so festive, too!

    off topic: your outfit is darling.
