18 Jan 2010

Painting with tape

These incredible pictures were created by mixed-media artist Mark Khaisman using brown parcel tape. It's amazing how much depth he's created, and I like the way the angular pieces of tape make a reference to cubism.

This is what he says about his work: "My works are large archetypal representational images, made from layer upon layer of translucent packing tape, applied to clear Plexiglas and placed in front of a light box to give the image shadow and depth. I see my tape art as a form of painting. The 2-inch tape acts as a wide brush, and the light behind the panels as an alchemist's luminous blending medium. In working with tape, like in painting, accident and control are always present.

It takes me usually about a week to make a new work. I feel that work is completed when I no longer understand how it's done, when it feels as if it has a life of it's own."

[Quote & images: Mark Khaisman.]