5 Jan 2010

Where they create

These photos come from a series called Where they create by Paul Barbera. He travels to meet artists and designers and this is the visual documentation of their creative environments. I love the natural and subdued lighting and how each one has just a hint of colour. I particularly like the green light shining on the floor in the first space. I really feel as though I'm sneaking a peek into private spaces. I can sense real atmosphere.


  1. The first pic is definitely my favorite! So comfy and yet open.


  2. i agree. the first one is the best. what a fun series. not a bad way to spend your time:)

  3. your blog is so different.you see things other people do not see. you are going to be such a good designer

  4. what a cool idea for a series...wouldn't mind spending time visiting artists' spaces! the first space would be so wonderful to work in...all that room and light, sigh!!
