15 Dec 2009

EAMES: Arts & Architecture Magazine (Post 2/3)

From 1942 to 1947, Ray Eames designed 28 covers of the Arts & Architecture magazine. She often used Charles' current photographs in her compositions and, if relevant, also incorporated the experimental work going on in the Eames Office at the time. Aren't these covers spectacular? Each one is a true work of art.

Image credits: Arts & Architecture Covers 1-3 and Cover 4, Ray Eames' sketches for Arts & Architecture

I especially like the last image of which shows sketches of various page layouts. As I've previously said, here and here, I LOVE seeing the process that artists and designers take to get to a final product! There's an online archive of magazine covers from 1945 to 1967 but I didn't dare post images from there as the site requires a commitment to their copyright policy. Take a look for yourself - it's an incredible resource.

Check back tomorrow for the FINAL Eames post. When I first saw it, I was astonished how cutting-edge Charles & Ray were for their time!


  1. I love that you are doing a series on the Eames'. I love sketches too. I watched an auction last night where a Frank Lloyd Wright original sketch sold for $2,500. I actually thought it would be worth more. Americans LOVE FLW...it's probably to only architect half of them have ever really heard of:)

  2. wow! those are fantastic! i love the third one from the top.

  3. So funny that Stephanie mentioned FLW ~ as I was also going to! I grew up in Oak Park, IL where FLW's home and studio is, and I immediately saw the similarity in your comment about Eames' being ahead of their time with FLW as well.

    Brilliant blogging :)

  4. can you imagine getting one of those in your mailbox?

    the design is so amazing, and so creative, i had a brief journey back in time to my college years, when design was so fun and exciting!

  5. Wow. I love the one with the splashes of red paint. It seems so haphazard and chaotic and full of movement.
