14 Dec 2009

EAMES: A Perfect Partnership (Post 1/3)

I adore the work of Charles and Ray Eames and they always look like they were having so much fun together. Their designs are very playful and this aspect of their characters is expressed beautifully in these photos. In most pictures I've ever seen of them, they are either smiling, looking at each other, or doing both! I enjoy looking at photos of them almost as much as I like their designs (does that sound crazy?)! Their designs are a reflection of their personalities, so really it's one and the same. I can just imagine the fun they must have had setting up these shots. I love photos that capture the essence of someone's character...

Photo credits: On a Triumph motorcycle, Posing with sculpture for their 1944 Christmas card, Wearing matching gingham shirts they pose within metal DCM bases 1947, Sitting together on La Chaise, Charles taking a photograph, Ray with cat mask 1971, Charles with clown mask 1977

Check back tomorrow for the SECOND edition in the Eames mini-series where I'll show you a stunning project by Ray Eames that you probably haven't seen before!


  1. what cool pictures! they are quite a pair aren't they?! i'm going to explore their work, i know i'd love it.

  2. how lucky they were to find each other - they each truly seem to enjoy the other, and the work they created together is phenomenal!

    (i must admit to purchasing a couple of their chairs recently. i just could not help myself, because i know i will treasure them for the rest of my life.)

  3. They do look like so much fun. I absolutely adore the picture of her with the cat pic.

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I tried to get my husband to go to architecture school instead of medical school...with the economy the way it is, I am glad he didn't listen to me:)
