1. mrsporkchops, 2. ashleyg, 3. maranon, 4. mamanxuxudidi
I was unaware that I'd become so obsessed with triangles until I had a look through my recent flickr fav's! Aren't these images fun?! They make me feel really happy - especially the 4th :)
Yesterday I received a sweet comment from City Girl Chicago to say that she's learning more about my tastes and as soon as she saw the images in the last post, immediately knew it was my style. It's so funny because before I started this blog I only vaguely knew what I liked - I just couldn't pin it down. One of the things that I'm enjoying most about blogging is seeing how my tastes develop over time. It gives me the opportunity to take a step back and analyse the things that visually stimulate me. I've definitely become more confident with colour. A couple of years ago I always gravitated towards green (I still have far too much of it in my home, but at least it feels leafy and fresh..!) but now I'm drawn towards yellow, red, purple, orange...
Has anyone else had the same experience since starting their blog? Do share!
Yes, I have. I've realized the types of clothing silhouettes I'm drawn to...but I can also see how my style has been influenced by other bloggers and has become a bit more adventurous. I've also noticed how my photographs have improved when I look back through, which is nice:)
Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you liked the post. I was thinking about another movie I watched recently that you might want to add to the list:) Its called A Brief Encounter. I enjoyed it very much.
we just have to try to use different colors after sometime... I'm using different colors as an accent and I find it very playful and attractive!!!
So so nice !
I feel the same way too about blogging!!!! I've finally discovered the style I never thought I had... lol
Yes, I agree. My blog as transformed a lot and I'm in the mood for another transformation! (; (the 4th pic is my favorite tooo)
I have definitely been having that experience, it's one of the wonderful perks of having I blog I do believe.
Thanks for the super sweet comment as well :)
I love your style - from my first time over here I knew you had great taste - and such a refreshing move away from too much country shabby chic English chinz etc etc etc ...
My home front blog is all about what captures my attention design wise ... I have varied tastes ... but my current inflatuation is danish design ... adore the fresh lines, clean looks and bit of retro whimsy thrown in ... best le
love the quilt!
yes, blogging has made me more aware of what i like and dislike. i completely agree with what you said :D
Love the kitty quilt pic! So adorable.
I've realized I spend a lot of my blog posts on food! Not that I didn't already know I loved that...
great triangle-inspired pics, Rebecca. i love the 3rd photo.
my aesthetic has changed over time, as well. for instance, when i started blogging, i was partial to photographs that were crisp and clear. over the last couple of years, i've come to find bad exposure and focus to be characteristics i look for in a good photo. i guess i've fallen in love with the *dreamy* look, go figure. :)
Your blog is so fresh and stock full of lovliness!
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