For a long time I've been curious to try natural dyeing and I finally did this week. The process was so enjoyable and the results unexpected and exciting. I used organic cotton voile for the first two scarves, bamboo silk for the third and woven bamboo for the last (which drapes so well and perfect for summer dresses, I think). The bamboo silk fabric (which is 100% bamboo and suitable for vegans) took the dye the best and produced such a beautiful deep colour. The fabric has a lustre and feels so lovely against the skin.
I'm now busy dreaming up plans to do more...

oh WOW. tutorial pleaaaaasssse?????? Those are some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
Wow, they look so professional! Yes, yes do share a how-to with us please ^_^
ooh these scarves are so fab!!
and you won my giveaway btw :)
when you get a sec drop me a line at info@oliviajeffries.com with your details.
Wow- this is amazing!! I'd love to learn how.
your scarves are beautiful, are you using bamboo silk yardage or are you able to find plain scarves ready for dyeing ? I would love to know as I am trying to find ready to dye scarves or how to sew the edges of yardage so it doesn't unravel. I love bamboo silk, its so soft and good to know that its not grown with pesticides. Many thanks !
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