As I get older, I find myself increasingly attracted to imperfect spaces that have truly been lived in, rather than beautifully "decorated" ones. I like things simple, and I don't like "decoration" as such. This might sound strange since I'm studying interior design. People always ask me how I've decorated my own home and when I tell them it's white they look puzzled. They ask, "But isn't interior design all about decorating?" Well decorating may be part of it, but I think it's more about creating a canvas to live in, which has the potential to evolve over time.
I find my own home slightly frustrating as it's relatively new (8 years old) and everything is a bit too perfect with it's skirting boards and carpets. I want something that's a bit rougher around the edges so I can bring out the best in it. I yearn for an old kitchen with a sturdy counter and original cupboards, rather than my flimsy immitation wood cupboards installed by the developers.
I went through a similar stage with clothes a few years ago and realised that I didn't like "fake" clothes from Topshop or H&M. Although I sometimes buy from H&M, I just don't feel like they're "real". I don't really understand exactly what I mean, but I think I crave things that have a history, or a meaning, rather than something mass produced just to make a big company some profit. I hate the fact that so many things are made not to last. Maybe this is why some people only wear vintage or handmade. I tend to buy most things from the Japanese shop Uniqlo because these clothes are the closest to feeling "real" or "honest" that I've found on the highstreet at an affordable price. In the future I must get a sewing machine and learn to make my own clothes.
At the moment I don't feel that my home reflects me, but I'm sure this is something that takes time. Maybe it's only when someone renovates or builds their own home from scratch that they feel totally satisfied. Although I love my creature comforts, all of this has got me thinking about living a simpler life. These photos of a home in Copenhagen really sum up the way I feel at the moment.
I know what you mean. We don't own a home yet, but my favorite places that we've lived in have been old apartments, built decades earlier (one in the 1920's). I like the fact that they're not perfect, that the rooms aren't necessarily symmetrical...and I like the mish-mash of all of our things coming together in our home. I definitely feel that way about vintage clothes too--the history that comes with them makes them feel, as you said, real. Great post.
I like where you're going wtih this... I think when you focus on quality,it shifts focus off of quantity, which shifts focus off of mass produced item. Furniture, homes, and clothes, they're not made like they used to be anymore. I hope more and more people catch onto this concept in 2010 ~ simple living, quality life ~
Thanks for this thoughtful post~
I know what you mean by 'imperfect places' that kitchen counter and work desk is just screaming out my name!! Love it!
I get cha. (;
I am the SAME way. It is so hard to explain to everyone that #1 just because you are an interior designer, you do not have the $ to design your dream home #2 you are not a decorator:)
I Loooove the lived in look
I am totally into the mismatched, homey look. Love the fourth photo.
wells said, rebecca. as i get older, i become more attracted to simple design. i used to gravitate to design doused with lots of color and complexity. my blog, for instance, used to be dark splashed with many bright details and it only turned white a few months ago.
i'm one of those people who shop at forever 21, target, and H&M. granted, I do like a lot of the clothes at those places, but i shop at those places primarily for the cost. i've never considered what was *real* or *fake*. if i liked something and it was affordable, i bought it. when i did buy something vintage or handmade, sheer aesthetics and price were my main criteria...
however, reading your post has given me a lot of new insight and a lot to think about with respect to where i invest my money. your post makes me think about worth.
i'd love to see your home and how it transforms into a home that you love.
thanks for this inspiring post, rebecca.
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