About a month ago I picked up an Agfa Optima Sensor film camera from a Charity Shop for £2.99. It was a bit of a gamble as I had no idea if it would even work... But it's perfect, and didn't even need a new battery.
Even though I got a new digital camera for Christmas (a Lumix point and shoot) that works perfectly well, I've been quite disappointed with my photos recently. Somehow the atmosphere is never captured, and they seem a bit lifeless. But with my Agfa, the photos seem to come out exactly how I picture the scene in my head. So when I look at these they make me happy, and remind me of a moment in time. These photos are of the same park that I posted about a couple of days ago. The colours have come out so much more naturally on film.
Because there are a limited number of shots per roll, I need to think carefully before taking each photo, which makes them more special to me.
The Agfa has an aperture setting which I've always dreamt of having, and I took the shot above with an f-number of 2.8. It's so much fun! But film is expensive to develop, so I will save this camera for special occasions :)
the colours in these are beautiful, I love film :)
If you've caught the film bug you may be interested in taking part in my photo/film swap :)
so so pretty! when I see places like this, I always tell Bryan I want to get married again.
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