We learnt a BIG lesson:
Cats + Lilies = Potentially FATAL
Being a typical indoor cat, Honey is very curious (verging on mischievous) so when I put the bunch of mixed flowers on the dining table (which she never jumps up onto) she immediately investigated the new smells. I told her off, she promptly jumped down and scampered away, and I thought she'd lost interest. There was a single lily stem in amongst the other flowers, and at the back of my mind I knew that they weren't good for cats. I didn't realise they were FATAL, I just thought they were something she shouldn't go near. So I cut the pollen stems, thinking this would make them safer. I was wrong.
The following day, I was working on the PC and I could hear a rustling sound and I suddenly thought it must be Honey playing with the flowers. I dashed into the room and Honey bolted off the table. She knew she was in trouble. She jumped up onto the bed and started nuzzling me and purring, as if to say sorry, and I noticed a yellow stain of pollen around her chin and a little smudge on the corner of her mouth. (Even though I cut the pollen stems, some of the pollen had dropped onto the petals.) Without thinking, I cleaned it off with a wet cloth, then immediately searched online. Something didn't feel right. And everything I read confirmed my fears. Lilies are the most dangerous plants to cats. I cut out the remaining yellow stain in her fur to prevent her cleaning it off, I called the vet, and she was admitted within the hour.
Without medical treatment, a cat that eats ANY PART of a lily will definitely become ill. It may not happen straight away, but within a few days they will suffer renal failure as the toxin damages the kidneys. The most important thing to do it to take the cat to the vet as soon as possible for IV fluids. Some cats may vomit the lily up and appear well for a few days, then become gravely ill. It only takes a tiny amount of the plant to cause irreparable damage.
We didn't know if she had actually eaten any of the pollen, or bitten into the leaves or petals, but the vet treated her as if she had ingested some. Lily poisoning is so serious, that you just cannot take any risks with treatment. She spent three days on an intravenous drip administering fluids in an attempt to flush the toxin out of her system. When Honey is at the vets, she turns into a wild cat and bites, scratches and growls (she's a typical tortoiseshell, apparently). She had to be sedated each time she ripped the drip out of her arm and it needed to be reinserted, and also when they did blood tests. She refused to eat and didn't go to the toilet for two days. The vet didn't know if Honey was just upset about being in unfamiliar surroundings, or if she was ill. On the third day, they did a blood test which thankfully revealed full kidney function. We collected her and within five minutes of being at home, she ate some food, went to the toilet and drank some water. She was so pleased to be home, and we were relieved all her bodily functions were in working order. This morning, Honey had a follow-up blood test (involving another sedation...) which showed normal kidney function. The vet said that after 8 days it is highly unlikely that a cat will become ill, but it is not unheard of. We need to keep a close eye on her, but going by her huge appetite, it looks like she will be fine. Perhaps she never ate any of the lily. We will never know.
What strikes me, is that everyone I've spoken to since our ordeal seems clueless that lilies are poisonous to cats. People respond with, "I've had cats all my life, and we always have lilies in the house, and they've never been ill." Well, aren't they lucky, but that doesn't mean that lilies are safe. The veterinary nurse said that lots of cats are admitted with lily poisoning, especially indoor cats and kittens. Many cats that suddenly suffer from renal failure may actually be suffering from lily poisoning, but the cause is never found.
The question I have is why isn't this more widely known?! Why don't bouquets of lilies have a label pointing out the danger to cats? Is it because supermarkets and florists are worried they will lose sales? Cats are the most popular pets in the UK, and the majority of mixed bouquets contain lilies, so why don't people know about this?
When I have some time on my hands (in September), I plan to write a letter to all the chains of supermarkets and florists in the UK asking them to put a simple warning on lilies. A cat face with a red line through would be sufficient. Something that will make people think twice. From what I've read online, people in the USA are more aware of lily poisoning than in the UK. That really needs to change.
Anyway, after the events of the last week, I think I've gone off flowers for life!
I'm so sorry this happened to your cat!! And, I am so happy that she is better. I always put my flowers up where my cats can't reach them anyway, because they will rip up the bouquet. But, thanks for sharing and letting everyone know about cats and lilies...I had no idea. I knew poinsettias were poisonous but not lilies.
oh dear. i'm so glad honey is ok! and i'm thankful for your post -- my kitty (susan) always eats my bouquets, and goes out of her way to get to them, even if i put them atop the fridge. then she usually barfs it all up... but if i will never let lilies into my house!
Wow! I had no idea about lilies. I am SO glad that you cat is healthy. I think people are more aware of dog illness vs cat. I never even thought of it until it came to mind.
Woah! i'm so glad your cat was ok!!
i'm going to forward this to some people. I never knew the risks.
Generally i don't purchase cut flowers anyway (they aren't always ethically processed) but i know a few cat people who really like the lilies.
Yes, I'm one of those that didn't realize lilies were that dangerous. I've only brought in lilies once before but won't be doing it again.
I'm so glad Honey's doing better and thankful my cat avoided the lilies when they were inside.
Oh, your poor kitty! I'm so glad she's alright! What a terrible thing to happen when you get a gift of fresh flowers.
Very scary! Glad she is okay! Make sure your kitty stays away from Poinsettias too!
gosh, I didn't know that at all - they really should have warnings on lilies.
I'm glad that Honey is ok x
Oh my...I am so very glad to hear the Honey is doing okay!!! As a fellow cat lover...this info on lillies is great to know!
Poor kitty and mum! Up until a couple years ago I had cats and I never knew lilies were so deadly. Thanks for passing on the information regarding lilies and kitties.
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Oh how scary! Oh if that happed to my doggies, I would be beside myself. Once Coco ate something, still don't know what it was, and I rushed her to the vet b/c she was shaking and groaning. I never trembled so hard in my life, I could hardly start the car I was shaking so bad. Poor kitties who don't know better, but so thankful Honey is ok!
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to read this, and so happy it ended ok for you and little Honey. I didn't know about the potential danger of lillies, even though you say it's more commonly known in the US. How terrifying! And thank you so much for sharing ~
oh my goodess! thank you for sharing. I had not idea. I knew Christmas poinsettias were bad for cats, but lilies! I had no idea. I'm glad she's doing ok!!
Very scary but I'm glad Honey is okay! As a four-cat owner I'm well aware that lillies are incredibly poisonous but a LOT of other plants are poisonous too (although probably not to the same degree). The ASPCA has a great list: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/plants/
I now keep all my plants on top of our highest bookshelf and rarely get flowers. My indoor cats are too curious and in the long run it's just not worth their health and an insane vet bill!
Glad you're passing the news around- I wasn't aware of that! Glad your kitty is well :)
what an ordeal - I know how precious she is to you - glad all is on the mend - best le
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